EZ-Money for You

A marketing system so simple, even  
beginners can earn $200-$300 a day!              

My name is Simon and I would like to share with you a unique   
new marketing system. One that's so simple that it can easily be   
described on one single page... yet so powerful it can generate a  
steady flow of $20 checks or credit card orders into your mailbox.  

This marketing system is called the "CookieCutter".   
It's a 3-part system, consisting of:   

a set of KILLER classified ads.  
a powerful salesletter.  
a top quality product. 

The Killer Ads...  
The  foundation of EVERY profitable marketing program is it's advertising. If your ads pull, then you're two-thirds of the way home. And believe me...these ads pull like crazy!   

The reason?   
Curiosity, and the desire to make money are two very powerful emotions. These ads play masterfully on both these emotions!   

The precisely-engineered wording of these powerful KILLER ADS create an almost irresistible desire to click on the link to get the rest of the story.   

The Salesletter...  
The page you're reading is both the salesletter...AND the marketing plan.You don't have to create any marketing copy. 
That's already done for you! All you do is personalize this salesletter.    

The Product...   
If your integrity is important to you,  you'll be glad to  
know that the product you'll be marketing through the  
CookieCutter system, is access to a top quality training  
program called "Boot Camp".   

The Internet represents the greatest marketing opportunity  
that has ever existed. But in spite of this fact, over 95% of  
all those involved in electronic marketing never make  
enough to even pay their expenses.   

The reason is simple. E-Marketing is a profession.  
But it's practiced mostly by AMATEURS!   

"Boot Camp" is just what it sounds like.   

It's "basic training! It's formatted to take you step-by-step  
from "wanna-be" to "web-smart marketing professional".   

The training is thorough, practical and cumulative. Each  
lesson taking up where the last one left off. And the best part is...while you're getting your own education, you can use the  
CookieCutter to literally make thousands of dollars...helping  
others get the same quality education..  
Here's how the marketing system works...  
When prospects see your ad...curiosity will prompt a  
good percentage of them to click on the link to see what  
it's about. Which will bring them to a page identical to this.  
Only this time, it will be YOUR letter...customized with YOUR contact information.   

It's Lightning Fast! You Can Start Earning $$$ Right Away!   

The speed at which the CookieCutter works is amazing!  
If your ad comes out in a publication at 12 noon...you can  
literally have checks on their way to your mailbox or your  
bank by 5:00 pm the same day!   

And while all that is taking place, you could be relaxing at  
the beach or traveling around the world on your ATM card!   

Think about it. If the prospect of "INSTANT profits" makes  
your pulse race just a little, then please understand...that's  
a universal reaction!   

Despite its ability to very quickly generate cash,  
the CookieCutter is not a chain-letter or a money  

To keep from being illegal, many programs tack  
any old excuse for a product onto their money-game.  
While this may be technically legal, it's not moral.  
Nor is it a sound business decision.   

By contrast, the CookieCutter is an authentic means  
of marketing, taking orders for, and delivering a top  
quality internet training program, using the latest in  
e-commerce tools and techniques.   

Access to "Boot Camp" is by enrollment only.   

The only way someone can enroll in Boot Camp is through another member. The cost to enroll is a one-time $20 outlay.  
All of which is paid by the new member directly to the member who enrolls him.   

Immediately upon receipt of the $20 payment, the new member will automatically receive access to the CookieCutter/Boot Camp training sites. Which also contain complete CookieCutter setup & marketing instructions...plus a wide selection of quality marketing tools.   

The training is cutting-edge...  
Because it is web-based, this training site is constantly being updated to bring you the very latest in marketing news and information.   

To learn exactly what to do to get the checks flowing...  
... click here !



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